What the #@$%?

So I decide that I am going to write a little ditty about our recent experience with raccoons ripping the crap out of our back roof, making our ceiling their home and the drama that ensued.

Then I realize that I will definitely need a cool picture to go with this story, so I do a google search on "raccoon pictures" and to my surprise, guess what came up?? Not just your everyday raccoon shots like this first one here, but straight up kinky raccoon porn! You've got to love the internet!

This just makes the rest of the story, which involved Kevin accidentally boarding up a family of raccoons into our ceiling, them raging to get out, Darren on the roof in the middle of the night with a flashlight trying to release them while Tiffany and I stood guard with fire pokers and pots & pans ready to kick some raccoon ass if needed, and today's tearing down the roof party which involved a lot of beer and illegal shingle burning in the back yard, seem so blase.

That is HILAROIUS!!! Those poor racoons imprisioned in your roof! Were you and Tiffany by any chance in skimpy lingerie? That is the only way it could get any better hahaha
Is it just me or is that first raccoon smoking a joint?
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