On our last trip down, poor Jason scared a big dog on the river bank that took a nasty chunk out of his queen sized air mattress. It was pretty hilarious!! All I saw was CHOMP and then Jason slowly sinking into the river. Good thing it was on the last day....otherwise he would have had a really crappy sleep that night!

Here are the boys back from one of their adventures down the river.

Here's Neil trying to fix Jason's BBQ. He has lived in Hong Kong for 10 years and is a pilot with Cathay Pacific. He didn't know Suds, but maybe they will run into each other one day....being that Hong Kong is such a small city and all....ha ha. It's funny cause he reminded me so much of Suds.

The only concert we really checked out was Dr. Hook & the Medicine Show. I ,of course, had to call my dad when they played "Freakers Ball" One of the classic songs he used to sing to us as kids. He sounded surprised to hear me so intoxicated in mid afternoon until I mentioned where I was!

Here is Jason having just returned from delivering some shooters down the way to Keeley's stagette party.

Here's Keeley and her cousin who could have been a Scarlet Johanson lookalike!

And here's Steve, who I know through work and funnily enough Adele dated him when she was too young to know any better....ha ha just kidding! It's funny cause Jason got there first and his buddy suggested that he camp with these guys and I ended up knowing one of them. They had an awesome set up right beside the river. I am going to start saving my pennies for a motorhome....I don't think that I can handle another tent with all different sized poles. Last year we left our pathetic excuse for a tent in Merritt after it did the lean and we ended up with a river running through it in the middle of the night!
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