Busy Weekend
Last Saturday we checked out the NHL Draft at GM Place.....quite possibly the most boring sports related event I have ever been to in my life. Thank god for beer. Darren really enjoyed it....the sports reporter in him still shining through!

It was a neat experience nontheless and it was very cool to see the Stanley Cup!

When Garry Bettman "The Man Who Killed Hockey" came on stage it was crazy how much he got booed! I almost felt sorry for the little weasel.

If you look REALLY close you can see Wayne Gretzky in the middle row of tables second table from the top. Get your magnifying glass ready!

Darren's cousins Paul & Keith came to check it out and his friends Ryan & Jill.

We hung around long enough to see the Canucks first round pick, Michael Grabner, and that was long enough so we went for dinner & drinks with Ryan & Jill.

Then back to Ryan & Jill's place for a few more drinks.....as you can see by the empties in this picture. Yikes! Then over to Jim's Pub for yet a few more drinks, which was clearly a bad idea because at this point I don't think we were fit for public consumption. Poor Jill was the sober one (still recovering from the night before) and I can just imagine how much fun she was having with us drunks.

Sunday we went and checked out the Jazz Festival in Gastown and then met up with Hilary & Whitney to see Helen's film at the IMAGeNation Aboriginal Film & Video Festival. It was an excellent film. Very raw and very emotional.
After that we hit the Milestons patio in Yaletown to enjoy the sunshine and some sangria and appies. When Whitney and I opened our menus there was nothing inside.....is that some kind of hint???

It was a neat experience nontheless and it was very cool to see the Stanley Cup!

When Garry Bettman "The Man Who Killed Hockey" came on stage it was crazy how much he got booed! I almost felt sorry for the little weasel.

If you look REALLY close you can see Wayne Gretzky in the middle row of tables second table from the top. Get your magnifying glass ready!

Darren's cousins Paul & Keith came to check it out and his friends Ryan & Jill.

We hung around long enough to see the Canucks first round pick, Michael Grabner, and that was long enough so we went for dinner & drinks with Ryan & Jill.

Then back to Ryan & Jill's place for a few more drinks.....as you can see by the empties in this picture. Yikes! Then over to Jim's Pub for yet a few more drinks, which was clearly a bad idea because at this point I don't think we were fit for public consumption. Poor Jill was the sober one (still recovering from the night before) and I can just imagine how much fun she was having with us drunks.

Sunday we went and checked out the Jazz Festival in Gastown and then met up with Hilary & Whitney to see Helen's film at the IMAGeNation Aboriginal Film & Video Festival. It was an excellent film. Very raw and very emotional.

After that we hit the Milestons patio in Yaletown to enjoy the sunshine and some sangria and appies. When Whitney and I opened our menus there was nothing inside.....is that some kind of hint???
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