One of the Girls!

On Tuesday night Sarah cooked a big feast for all of us.

There was spinach salad with strawberries and goat cheese, fettucini with browned butter pine nut sauce, and chicken with tomatoes and eggplant in a balsamic sauce and yummy baked peaches with rice pudding for dessert. Very Yummy!

After dinner Sarah, Tiff & I decided to play the Sex & the City trivia game.

It took a few glasses of champagne, but we managed to lure Joel into the mix too! God knows the poor guy has been forced to watch enough episodes over the years to know half the answers!!

He did particularly well with the charades. I haven't laughed that hard in a long time!

Dad stopped by for a bit too. He just got back from a trip across Canada. Here's a cute picture of him with the boys. I told you he looked like Jim Byrnes!!
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