Girls Night Out

Barb's 30th was at the end of January and a couple of us went downtown to celebrate (some of us more than

We had a fantastic dinner at Saltlik and then we were off on a little pub crawl through Vancouver.

First stop the Cellar....$12.00 for cover....can you believe that??? Then Doolins....

Then SIP lounge...then the Buffalo Club...then after some lame music and a bit of trouble staying vertical (I won't name any names here... ha ha) it was off to the skytrain and home to bed!
We are such posers!!

just as i was contemplating buying myself wrinkle cream for my 30th.... last weekend at the liquor store i got I.D.'d. yes the woman probably needed glasses or has seriously been hitting the booze in the back but i will take what i can get at this point. considering the last time this happened was when i was like 26!?!? but thanks for the fun night out girls!!!!
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