Back from The Gas City

Got back late on Sunday from Medicine Hat - home of the worlds largest teepee.

Adele and I started Friday morning off with the breakfast of champions....eggs benny and a pitcher of Mojitos. If you're ever looking for a place to serve you at 9am, go to the airport.....or AA.

We could have used another when we arrived in Calgary and transfered planes onto an 18 seater. This picture was taken before we took off. The next hour was spent white knuckling it and praying not to die on the roller coaster ride from hell. On the bright side, I got an aisle seat and a window seat all in one!

You know you're in a quality airport when a cat lives there!

Upon arriving we checked into the Motel 6, which was pretty decent aside from the bedspreads that looked like a really bad acid trip. Other than that, the races went off really well and it was a great weekend.
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