Last Day in HK

On my last full day there Sarah & I went to Shenzhen (the knock off capital) to do some shopping! Poor Sarah was feeling a little under the weather that day, but she was a trooper.

Here I am with my bag full of goodies. Got some incredible deals on jeans and jewelry. My only regret is that I didn't have more money and a bigger suitcase! Shenzehn is part of mainland China so I had to get a special visa at the border to go there and the customs guys were are scary!

That night we went to this really great Indian restaurant for dinner with Sarah's friends Natalie & Gill to celebrate Suds' b-day and my departure.

In the lobby they had the same lattice that Suds had put on the back deck at their old house in Coquitlam. I'm pretty sure Suds misses his lattice!

Here are some random shots of things on the walk back home to their place.
Me putting the moves on a dragon!

In case you can't read what the signs say, this one is Fook On Ho Furniture & Arts.

And this one is Hing Fat Kok. I took these ones for Kevin & Joel:)
Shannon how did you possibly fit all this stuff in? Did you sleep at all on this trip? It's a bit like an ironman race!
Ha was pretty crazy how much there was to do and see! I didn't even post pics of all the different markets we went to. You better start training now for your visit! lol.
I woke up every morning tired so we couldn't have slept much!
Shannon was only there for mere days so we had to make it worth her while! And there is still lots to do next time!!
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