Flood Watch!
Last night I received the following email from Adele...
"We are in the part of Bridgeview that has no dyke. The flood could happen this weekend. Al and Arnie are supposed to come tomorrow, we need to get everything off the floor that is lower than 6 inches. Please pack first thing in the morning for the meeting, then start getting everything off the floor in your office. Ignore the phones and email, we need to get this done and done quickly. I may already be in but incase I am not start without me..."
Nothing like coming back after 4 days off to this!! The best part is that Al & Arnie are on holidays, so instead of them moving everything up....WE get to do it ourselves (with the help of sweet, wonderful Ernie! Anyone who has been to our approximately 2,500 square foot office knows that it is packed full of crap including hundreds & hundreds of legal files that now need to be transported upstairs....argh!!! Well at least I won't have to go to the gym for a couple of days....god knows I won't be able to move tomorrow...lol.
"We are in the part of Bridgeview that has no dyke. The flood could happen this weekend. Al and Arnie are supposed to come tomorrow, we need to get everything off the floor that is lower than 6 inches. Please pack first thing in the morning for the meeting, then start getting everything off the floor in your office. Ignore the phones and email, we need to get this done and done quickly. I may already be in but incase I am not start without me..."
Nothing like coming back after 4 days off to this!! The best part is that Al & Arnie are on holidays, so instead of them moving everything up....WE get to do it ourselves (with the help of sweet, wonderful Ernie! Anyone who has been to our approximately 2,500 square foot office knows that it is packed full of crap including hundreds & hundreds of legal files that now need to be transported upstairs....argh!!! Well at least I won't have to go to the gym for a couple of days....god knows I won't be able to move tomorrow...lol.