Wednesday, January 16, 2008


....if you know what's good for you. Seriously though...Gastown is such a cool place. There are so many funky shops and tons of great restaurants & pubs to check out. The Water Street Cafe, 6 Acre and the Irish Heather are a few of my favorites....oh and Steamworks is great too.

What else are you doing on a Sunday afternoon in August? Going to Home Depot? Yeah, buy some wallpaper, maybe get some flooring, stuff like that....maybe Bed, Bath, & Beyond? I don't know....I don't know if you'll have enough time? Skip it and come check this out instead! It's your day off for goodness sake...come downtown for lunch and have a quick putter around the show. No need to worry about traffic, parking or drinking & driving because you can just hop on the skytrain and get off at Waterfront Station and you're almost right there. DO IT!!!

If you don't respond well to high pressure sales then try this....only cool people are allowed to come to Gastown (insert photo of Paris Hilton having the time of her life and over-played pop song here). You're cool right?

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Candy Girl Cabaret

Our friend Leigh is part of this awesome Broadway burlesque dance troop called the Candy Girl Cabaret.

They are amazing and you should definitely make the time to come check them out one night soon!

It's a really classy nudity. You can watch a preview here:

They usually perform with Jessica Beach who is a really talented local singer. You can check out some of her stuff here:
We bought her CD & it's really good.

Catch the fabulous Candy Girls as they sing and dance their way into your hearts....

Wednesday, January 30th @ the newly refurbished Biltmore Cabaret, Kingsway & 12th.

Thursday, February 7th - their usual 1st Thursday of the month @ the historic Penthouse Nightclub - you know where it is.

Thursday, February 14th - Set One: Valentine's dinner & show. Set Two: Drinks & Show @ Balthazar's Hideaway in the West End.

More details here:

Click on the poster to make it larger.