Tuesday, February 27, 2007

More sweet pictures...

Tiffany's sweet "do it yourself" haircut!

Here is my step bro Rob....it's all business up front and party in the back with him!

Me playing with photoshop...doesn't Darren look a little bit too much like Alfred E. Newman from MAD magazine???

And this has nothing to do with hair, but I just think this is the funniest (and cutest) picture of Georgia ever. She's already in training to be a supermodel....or a stripper...ha ha just kidding Sheila!!

Friday, February 23, 2007

A Couple of New Entries...

Karen looking stylish as ever.

Barb looks like she may have woken up on the wrong side of the mullet.

Here's Trevor with his new butch haircut. Another child that is going to need some serious therapy one day!

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

More Shameless Self Promotion...

Don't forget to come to our big custom show in April unless you want to be removed from my will!

Note to self...when offering free passes doesn't work start uttering idle threats.

Click on the poster to make it bigger.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

The Moment You've All Been Waiting For....

And the winner of the bad hair contest is....Georgia!!! She barely has any real hair yet, but with a mother like Sheila my instincts tell me that she is going to need all the help she can get!! I'm sure she will enjoy her First Choice gift certificate and bottle of Dippity Do...hopefully she won't try to eat it:)

Honorable mentions to...

Sheila, proud mother of a champion!

Sarah, another poor victim of "boy" hair.

Lila, future serial killer by the look on her face if you ask me!

Me....or the boy down the street???

And a few classics from the family vault that probably should have remained closed.

I contemplated "outing" some of you poor sports who didn't send in your pictures, but lucky for you I decided to take the moral high road....as high as it gets for a bad childhood hair contest anyway. It's not too late if you reconsider!

Their hair's not too bad in this shot, but I thought the gay matching bike hats & sweaters were so cute...not that someone sporting bad neon through much of the 80's really has a right to judge:)

Friday, February 16, 2007

Strange Wedding Offers...

It's pretty amazing the things that people start to offer you once you get engaged....advice, discounts on things....lots of cool stuff, as well as lots of strange (but still cool) stuff! Here is an email I received recently from Sarah, God bless her:

"I would like to offer my services as the minister for your wedding. I have recently been ordained and can now perform your wedding ceremony. This will be a good cost saving measure for you and Darren! My fee will be a bottle of champagne, hopefully to be drank before the ceremony!

When asked if this was for real, the reply I received was:

"Of course it is legit. I will go by Reverend Sarah from now on. I am having business cards made up. I just have to make sure that it is legal under Canadian law"

I think it took me about 10 minutes before I finally stopped laughing. With all due love and respect, knowing Sarah it is probably the church of anarchy and atheism, but thanks for the offer!!

For those of you interested in the bad hair contest. I have postponed the deadline to next week because as it turns out there are a lot of people who do not have scanners. If you get them to me I can scan them at work. Cheers.

Friday, February 09, 2007

Calling All Mullets!

I was thinking about mullets today for some reason and remembering how when I was little my mom used to chop off my hair and a couple of times it ended up being a borderline mullet.

As a young girl there's really nothing more pleasing than having people think that you're a boy and refer to you as "sonny."

So I have decided to hold the "Best Mullet Contest" or more appropriately the "Worst Mullet Contest" to see how many other people are out there who's parents hated them...ha ha....don't worry I still love you Mom! Email me pictures of your most unfortunate childhood hair trauma....or even worse the self-inflicted hair disasters (ahem...Darren:).

The finalists will have their pictures featured on this blog and the Winner will receive a gift certificate to First Choice and a bottle of Dippity Do....if there was corporate sponsorship you would also receive a year of therapy...lol. Please email me all entries by February 15th. All pictures will be judged by our panel of hair specialists, all of whom experienced many a bad hair style during the fabulous 80's.

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Beat It

You know when you're listening to a song and you think the lyrics are one thing until you're rocking out, singing along and someone looks at you weird and asks you what the hell you were just singing?? Well for years I have always thought that in the Michael Jackson song "Beat It" he sings "Show 'em hot funky as long as you're right," which obviously makes no sense whatsoever but when you have been singing it that way since you were like 5 it's pretty hard to imagine it being anything else. So today I decided to actually look up the lyrics on-line....yes I know it's a touch sad and pathetic but I am viciously hungover and really have nothing better to do....well that's not true, I do but I just don't feel like doing it...anyway, the actual lyrics are "Showin' how funky and strong is your fight . It doesn't matter who's wrong or right. Just beat it, beat it"
Just thought you would all like to know in case you have been "Showing 'em hot funky" too!