And the winner of the bad hair contest is....Georgia!!! She barely has any real hair yet, but with a mother like Sheila my instincts tell me that she is going to need all the help she can get!! I'm sure she will enjoy her First Choice gift certificate and bottle of Dippity Do...hopefully she won't try to eat it:)
Honorable mentions to...
Sheila, proud mother of a champion!
Sarah, another poor victim of "boy" hair.
Lila, future serial killer by the look on her face if you ask me!
Me....or the boy down the street???
And a few classics from the family vault that probably should have remained closed.
I contemplated "outing" some of you poor sports who didn't send in your pictures, but lucky for you I decided to take the moral high high as it gets for a bad childhood hair contest anyway. It's not too late if you reconsider!
Their hair's not too bad in this shot, but I thought the gay matching bike hats & sweaters were so cute...not that someone sporting bad neon through much of the 80's really has a right to judge:)