What a Weekend!

Last weekend was super busy! Sarah arrived from Hong Kong on Saturday around noon and we celebrated with some champagne!

Then we were off on Saturday afternoon to the wedding of one of my best friends from highschool, Karen Wood, who married Russell Hudson.

It was a gorgeous wedding (as you can see!) at Newslands Golf & Country Club in Langley. It was really fun to catch up with some of the girls from high school that I hadn't seen in years (crazy how time flies!!) Karen & Russ also have a little one on the way, due in October, which is very exciting!

One of the highlights of the evening was when Sara accidentally lit her purse on fire. Bad candles!! Fortunately Darren noticed it, as we just sat there chatting away oblivious to the fact that flames where forming on our table.

The open bar at the wedding led me to take numerous pictures of my adorable shoes to pass the time in the car ride home....I'm sure Darren was impressed!!

Sunday was a big Greek Easter celebration at Popi & George's house. Easter is an even bigger holiday than Christmas in the Greek culture so George was up at the crack of dawn roasting a lamb.

Despite a mild hangover from the wedding and having already had quick sushi session with Sarah & Hilary for Hil's b-day, I managed to eat my weight in roasty potatoes. The food was so good I had to take pictures so that I could brag! We didn't even have room for the amazing desserts which included baklava and cream puff cake.

If you ever want excellent Greek make sure you check out their restaurant, Pyrgos Taverna, on Lougheed Hwy in Maple Ridge!!

It was like a high school reunion all weekend cause while we were there I got to see 2 more of my closest friends from highschool, Popi (who will be having a baby girl in June) and Melissa (who I have been friends with since we were 3 years old) and finally meet her boyfriend Eric. That reminds me, our 10 year reunion is this year. How scary is that?!